17 DEC. 2024


17 DEC. 2024
CARTIER - SANTOS DE CARITER - WHSA0031 - IG影響力人物:樊慰慈的年度最愛

歲末年終,免不了回顧盤點、省思總結;諸如年度排行、年度代表字等,更是蔚為話題。科技時代我們運用數據,理性分析特定主題的增減趨勢;但手腕上的收藏,永遠出自本心,值得感性對待。本期特別企劃【My Watch of the Year! 影響力人物的年度最愛 】(Top Influencers, what is your favorite watch of the year? ) 邀請藏家們介紹今年的最愛收藏,分享他們在腕錶以及人生的旅程,如何以時計銘刻時光。







當全心投入某項收藏嗜好,就彷彿踏上一趟奇幻之旅。即使在該領域中盡量好學多聞,並清楚自己的品味和方向,也永遠不知道哪天會被原本在目標範圍外的對象煞到!一向獨鍾圓錶的我,去年4月瀏覽Watches & Wonders各品牌新款時卻拜倒在一款方錶的石榴裙下,經過一年追求,終於欣喜入手。


被譽為造型線條之王的Cartier,旗下方錶之代表Santos de Cartier同時也是史上首款男性腕錶及第一支飛行錶;而Santos- Dumont 則屬線條更優雅而薄型的版本。微型擺陀鏤空款除了有全新設計的機芯及通透飄逸的鏤空質感,並在微型擺陀上以金雕打造一架航空先驅Alberto Santos-Dumont當初建造的Demoiselle單翼飛機。




CARTIER - SANTOS DE CARITER - WHSA0031 - IG影響力人物:樊慰慈的年度最愛

CARTIER Santos-Dumont Skeleton 黃金 / 錶徑 43.5x31.4mm / 9629 MC 機芯



When truly immersed yourself in a hobby, it would often be fermented into a fantastic journey. No matter how learned you are and assured of your preference, there are always new discoveries and acquired tastes in the next chapter. When scrutinizing various novelties released in last year’s Watches & Wonders, I stumbled upon Cartier’s Santos-Dumont Skeleton Micro-Rotor, an ethereal beauty which ultimately tamed my stubbornness of acquiring ONLY round watches.


After almost a year’s yearning, I finally got the one in yellow gold with blue paint, the most elegant version among the three released. It highlights particularly well the fine lines within the skeletonized movement as well as the silhouette of the case and lugs. The Diva, however, is of course the exquisite gold engraving of Alberto Santos-Dumont’s legendary Demoiselle found on the micro-rotor. What an ingenious little touch of this new iteration of Cartier’s timeless design. One could gazed upon it all day long.

CARTIER - SANTOS DE CARITER - WHSA0031 - IG影響力人物:樊慰慈的年度最愛

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